Bioreactor Process Data Solutions

Data management and respiration analysis for pharmaceutical cultivation processes

Manage and enrich quantitative bioreactor data

The key to understanding biopharmaceutical production processes is collecting, managing and interpreting quantitative bioreactor data effectively. VitaScope helps companies with complex biotechnological processes to gain insights in cell behaviour by focussing on enriching and interpreting conventional and innovative quantitative bioreactor data.

Life Science & Health

Biopharmaceutical production processes

Biopharmaceutical production processes have become so complex that available bioreactor data is rarely exploited to its full extend. VitaScope offers solution to manage and analyse existing data and enrich the dataset with innovative quantitative online measurements to better understand cell behaviour in real time. New insights from this comprehensive data approach unique to VitaScope enable optimizing and developing new production processes.

Data management and process monitoring solutions by VitaScope


Better understand what happens in your bioreactor

The VitaScope team has gained over a decade of experience in monitoring complex cultivation processes. The engineering approach to understanding a cultivation process led to a focus on quantitative bioreactor data. WIth this data, software models have been developed to account for physiochemical, stoichiometric and kinetic process parameters. It means that the VitaScope solution aims to elucidate physical disturbances and changes, biochemical mechanisms and speeds at which these processes fluctuate.

Reach out if you have a complex cultivation process that you want to understand better!