Any modern bioreactor system has the capability to produce realtime quantitative data like temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen level. This data by itself however is rarely sufficient to effectively run a cultivation process. Many other monitoring systems generate qualitative or off-line data. Off-line data often requires taking samples from the bioreactor broth and enables vast array of different analytical techniques.
In cultivating mamallian cells, one universal challenge is structuring and harmonising all bioreactor data that is generated. VitaScope has developed a clear and comprehensive approach to manage all bioreactor data in one single package. VitaScope seamlessly integrates data from any bioreactor analytical technology, remaining completely agnostic to the type or brand of equipment used.
Taking an engineering approach, VitaScope revolves around accounting for all inputs and outputs of a bioreactor. One common oversight in this approach is the gas phase of the bioreactor. VitaScope has developed a fully quantitative and realtime monitoring technology measuring bioreactor off-gas. The key element in this information is a clear measurment of cellular respiration. VitaScope provides turn-key bioreactor respiration analysis which includes the use of specific analytical equipment.
When all quantitative bioreactor data is available in a structured and harmonised database, VitaScope is able to build process specific software models. These models can be configured to allow easy insights into all available data. The benefit it offers is that any user can answer their process questions based on integrated data.
Through academic research on a wealth of different cultivations, VitaScope has discovered which questions one can ask to provide new insights into a process. By following ever so slight variations in specific process parameters, a lot can be learned about the behaviour of the cells in the bioreactor. By introducing very small variations and pertubations the bioreactor can be prompted for specific information on biochemical processes that are ocurring. If you want to know more details about how VitaScope prompts bioreactors to show you some of their secrets, just reach out to our team.
The starting point for VitaScope for any project is making all quantitative bioreactor data accessible. For any process, the first step has to be taking full advantage of data that is already available. When combined with respiration analysis and the unique VitaScope software models, the VitaScope solution can provide best-in-class bioreactor monitoring features and first-in-class realtime insight into cell behaviour.
In can provide measurements of substrate levels, product levels, viral titers and viable and total cell denisities without the need to take any samples. Furthermore it can provide realtime readings of process phases, enabling operators to pick crucial process interation timing to the minute. Other applications can be finding a realtime measure for biomass hetergeinity, which can be distinguished through differences in cell behaviour characteristics.
Our scientific team has dozens of new ideas for which a comrehensive quantitative bioreactor dataset can be employed. If you have wild ideas yourself, our scientists are more than happy to endulge in a philisophical discussion about potential applications.